Why our Day Trading course versus any other course out there or no course at all?

We are NOT going to teach you all the stuff you can easily google or read in a trading book.  If you’re looking for candle sticks 101, the basics of charting, indicators and/or technical analysis just email us and we’ll tell you where to get that info for free.  Rather than repackaging all the theoretical basics like so many other courses have done, we teach you our proprietary edge.  Every single aspect of our edge and the specific details of how we consistently pull money from the market is covered.  We don’t teach theories.  We only teach exactly what we actually do day in and day out to pull money from the market by day trading.  From how we “read the tape” to the seven (7) A+ Setups and all the psychology behind it, we cover everything we’ve learned in our 28+ years of combined full-time Day Trading experience.

We teach all this by going over trades we’ve actually traded.  We’re not going to show you some random chart and tell you after the fact where you should have bought it.  Instead, we markup charts of ACTUAL TRADES that we called and traded in real time.  You’ll also see live “game tape” of Level2, Time&Sales along with the intraday chart to show you how some of our A+ Setups look and play out in real time.

Applying our knowledge and process properly can significantly reduce the amount of screen time it takes you to become consistently profitable.   When we designed our course, one of the many questions we asked ourselves:   What would have shortened the learning curve for us all those years ago?  We designed the course around the answers.

Also, unlike many other systems and methods out there, ours is simple and replicable.  Our A+ Setups occur frequently and in almost every market environment.

Finally, we believe that a trader must constantly adapt to and change with the current market environment.  Although “the core” of what we trade and how we trade is constant, we are always looking for new ways to pull money from the market.  We are constantly working on developing and testing the next proven A+ Setup.  Because of this, all future continuing trader education classes (CTEC) are free for life.  Take our course and you become part of our trading family.

Is our Trading Course Changing Lives?

Wayne goes over this student’s amazing results in the video above.


$ 2625 .00 
  • You’ll get immediate* access to our Day Trading Course!
  • That’s about 40 hours of actionable information with ZERO THEORY, meaning everything in our course is from actual trades we called live! You’ll see live game tape of our real trades.
  • Course material includes all of our A+ setups taught in detail.
  • Extremely detailed section on Level 2 with hours of ‘game tape’ from real trades we called in the chat room.
  • You will see how we use Level 2 and time and sales to read the tape to see/gain an edge in the markets. 
  • Our complete list of detailed trading rules that we follow on every trade we take.
  • In depth sections on the psychology and discipline that will take your trading to the next level.
  • PLUS, we teach several continuing education classes each year! These are ALWAYS free to anyone who buys this course! 
  • Basically, this is a lifetime pass to any and all day trading education by us, past, present, and future!
  • You can stream these recordings as often and as much as you would like. #STUDY
  • You will also receive our ‘Top 33 Trading Rules’ and our ‘Mental Checklists on Paper’ for our top A+ Trade Setups delivered to your email after viewing the course.
  • Access to us via email for any questions and follow up. We are the ones who answer the emails! Your success is our success!
  • Your own personal Trade Tracker hosted in the cloud upon request (1 tracker – that’s your first 100 trades after taking the course personally reviewed by us with feedback).
  • Please understand that since we are teaching proprietary material that we have developed over several years, we cannot offer refunds.

* Depending on the time of day you purchase. We do sleep but worst case you should receive your course login instructions within 6 hours of payment. Most cases within one hour. (Please understand that since we are teaching proprietary material that we have developed over several years, we cannot offer refunds).

Course Feedback From Some of our Students

That was an awesome course, the amount of work you put into it was beyond amazing, over 500 slides with real time recordings of trades that you actually took, real time quizzes, a full on check list made for us for the different set ups, a great list of rules to follow, and so much more. Close to over 11 hours of pure knowledge, passion and dedication. If I had the choice to spend every Saturday like this I’d do it in a heart beat. I always thought every trading course and chat room was some sort of scam but damn I was so wrong. Pretty sure this is one of the only trading services out there that isn’t fraudulent and is unparalleled in the amount of knowledge it offers. Got so lucky to find this needle in the haystack, so thanks a bunch for all the effort you have put forth. I plan on working just as hard as both of you have so I don’t squander this opportunity and all the hard work that was put into creating this.

Sincerely, Skye

Hey Mike,

I want to let you know I think I’ve found a home with GSP. The team work in chat is unbelievable! Since I bought the lifetime and class I’ve been green 9 days in a row, which never happened to me in the previous room I was in. I wasted a year and hundreds of dollars in that room…! Not to mention the shares I bought from the moderator.

I’m still not all the way through the class. I’ve been going through it pretty thoroughly, watching an hour or two every night filling up a notebook with notes. The class is fantastic! It has helped me fill in the gaps of what I didn’t already know.  You guys talk about traders who see the setups before you or Wayne call it out. I’ve done that a handful of times already, getting ready to click the buy button before you guys call it. That’s a very good feeling. Now, knowing what I didn’t know before will hopefully help me continue to be profitable on a CONSISTENT basis.  

If you ever need some provel cheese or maul’s bbq sauce, you just let me know!


Hello Mike, I took your course on Saturday and just wanted to say how awesome the class was. I’ve been trading almost a year now and have made all the newby mistakes without blowing up my account. I liked the idea of joining your class but just wasn’t sure if there was all that much you could offer that I haven’t already heard. With that said I’m a less then break even trader and thought [ I’m almost there, I know that this is going to turn around for me I just need more time. This past week was the turning point, Every time you brought up info on the class and how its the last class of the year I thought should I ?  Do I really want to spend more money? And I thought well if I do at least i’ll know if lack of trading knowledge is what’s holding me up and if I don’t, I just may continue to keep on the same road I’m on. It didn’t take long to make that decision especially after the chat room responded to my question (Has anyone in here taken the course?). There was quick positive answers of yes and how great the class was and that it turned their trading around. As soon as Wayne got into level 2 of the class I had flash backs of losing trades that wouldn’t have happened if I only had this knowledge, I even typed in the chat box (I just got my money’s worth). Your class is awesome! Very informative, worth every penny and more. Thank you Mike and Wayne for giving a very professional well formatted class! Keep up the great work.! 

Thank you,

“I traded for years, but still had questions.  How do I avoid losing trades?  How do I know what will happen next on the chart?  What are some better high-probability, low-risk trades that I could be in?  FINALLY found this course, which answered my questions!  These guys are born teachers.  If you pay attention to what they teach, you will make MONEY on your own — you won’t need to follow anybody.  The confidence this gives is tremendous!  There’s an old saying:  “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”  I was finally ready to admit to myself what I didn’t know.  And I got my answers!  What a great course for making money!” – Amy W., November 9, 2017.

10:04:13 {JamesCa} Finished the course on Tuesday – had 3 green days in a row – really added structure to my trading – thanks Wayne for the feedback also helped with my position sizing – If you guys havent done the course and are struggling – its a no brainer – take the course – its really shifted my thinking after 4 chat rooms and 5 months of struggling and not to mention ongoing red days – jumping around from stock to stock.

10:35:02 {MattBi} between lifetime and trading course, I’ve made way more money and learned more than I ever did in college

From Milica:  My 2nd $1000+ day.  Thanks to what i learned from the class and being here!!!!!!!

Hi Mike and Wayne,

From J: Hope all is well. As you know I have been swing/position trading since 2001. I discovered day trading by coming across Mike’s videos on youtube. Since I joined your Service I have been consistently profitable!
I owe everything to both of you who perfected my day trading. 65 GREEN DAYS and only 4 RED DAYS (since FEB 6th). I greatly appreciate your guidance and calls.

Frim Eric: I graduated with an Accounting/Finance double major, worked as a Financial Analyst, read 20+ personal finance/trading books in my free time, and all I can say is I’ve learned more from this chatroom, the course GSP/Wayne teach, and their webinars. Joining the chatroom absolutely paying its dividends.

From PaulM:  I have taken several trading webinars in the past couple of years, but the one you and Mike put together far out reaches any of them. I know it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to put something like this together and for that reason I just want to tell you both thank you very much. I’m new to this style of trading but look forward to catching up with everyone.

From Jon F:  Thank you both for giving all of us a great course. It was well put together, by far the most informative and inspirational one I have been to. I will need some time to digest all the information.  Thanks once again for a great opportunity for me to advance my trading skills. If I only get the 25 rules out of the class, it will be worth every penny and more.  Thank you well worth the time spent.

From JeffB: Best Course I have taken – seriously – and I have taken a lot… really appreciate it, Mike, Wayne…

From Carol:  Hey Wayne, I just finished the course…..All I can say is, AMAZING!! The psychology of it, the mindset, who knew?? I do now. Thanks to you and Mike. I’m going to watch it again.

From GregM: Started in 2001 with Trading the Pristine Method. Glad I’m here for the Mike and Wayne Method!

From JaniceM:  Your class today was absolutely fantastic – packed with so much helpful info, great tools, and rules.

From PaulM: Lots of great info, and well worth it! Thank you!!!  It was definitely worth it. Time to make some $$$!!!!

From ‘N’: Dear Mike….i keep thanking you & Wayne for changing my trading 180%….I’m seeing the trades as they develop …so far green for the week…hopefully it will be 5 straight weeks in the green…i have a good friend that also joined the room coming from the warrior room & he is so happy with your room because your calls have parameters as opposed to just jumping in…just wanted to thank you & Wayne for the tremendous support & teachings. – N

From ColinV: I’m so glad I ran across your class online.  I thought I was a good budding trader.  Turns out most of the time I was lucky.  Thanks guys.  Aside from today I’m looking forward to learning more from you guys in the future.

From PhillipH: I enjoyed this webinar very much. It was great information and to be able to go back and watch, it is the best.

From NobleN:  it’s funny but my eyes are starting to see what y’all see in charts an L2’s now.

From EricN:  Awesome job Saturday!  Well worth the time.  My biggest take away from the course:  GSP and Wayne are incredible at what they do.

From James: Thanks Mike.  What a great trading chat room.     ***Only place that gives guidance and *Reviews* over trades each and every day.  ALSO, let’s not forget the undying effort Mike puts out every night on youtube with his potential setups. This room is the only stock scanner you need.  The trade management advice is “priceless”.  Been trading since 2001 and this is the best place around.  Thank you MIKE (and Wayne) and all the rest……  Blessed

From RaymondL:  10 hours and it felt like 2.  Totally the best I’ve been a part of.  All info is golden.  Thanks a bunch Mike/Wayne!!!

From RickyV: I am honored to be here!

From Nick: I wanted to tell you also that i have been profitable for the last 4 weeks watching the course every weekend …ty for you all you do for us struggling traders!

From DanM: Thanks guys! Great Information and insight. Great team! Well worth the time today. Thank You!

From DaleR: Thanks Wayne and Mike… the class keeps improving. You are both awesome traders and teachers!  Ready to use my refreshed skill from Saturday’s awesome class!

From AndyF: Thanks Mike and Wayne.  ENJOY the rest of the weekend!!! awesome course and info!!

From JackB :  Mike and Wayne, Terrific class yesterday, thank you both!

From JoeF:  Great class – thanks for all the work you and Mike put in to make this happen.

From SteveZ:  Hi Wayne, thank you for the webinar/class yesterday, there was a lot of useful information and I have enjoyed it immensely.

From Paul:  Great program. Tons of info, thank you! Looking forward to doing things right. For a change!  Thanks for the program! I am truly grateful for it!

Wanted to give a quick note that my trading has kept on improving thanks to your example, teachings and Wayne. Once more thank you Mike for changing my life for the better.

I just finished my 2nd week and I think I am done for the day. Last week (my first week trading after taking your course) was my first positive week ever, about $1000+ green. This week was even better!

First I would like to say Thank You for the 100th time to both of you. I do not mind saying it over and over because if someone changes your life there are no words to properly thank them!

The class was amazing. I’ve made more money this week than I did in the last month. I’m seeing the charts better and faster and using Level II properly has gotten me much better fills. Those who did not take the class would be wise to do so. Thanks Mike …

“I took the course and was turned around in so many ways. Thank you both.”

“Before the course I had 2 red months. After, 4 green weeks in a row. Thank you also!”

“This was my first profitable week day trading, after taking the class! Thank you Mike and Wayne!”

“Today was the end of my first full week of Trading after the class. This is my first ever full week of day trading ending up in not only green but $1000+ green! Many times I had great days only to give it all back later in the day or week, I was gambling , positions too big, chasing, averaging, you name a bad habit, I was probably doing it. Not This week. With much less at risk than before, I made enough in profits this week to fully pay for the lifetime membership chat and the class and did not give any back! I had 4 positive days and 1 negative and my red day was lower than my lowest positive. I am very grateful for what I have learned in the class and from the chat from you guys and the rest of our crew. I am excited about my future in trading and all I have yet to learn. Thank you Mike for the discipline you teach, not only in words but in actions. Thank you Wayne for your awesome technical explanations of things like how you use level 2 to get in and out of positions and the Tracker which I just fully filled out and I am really enjoying having it. It is an amazing feedback tool that should help improve my trading for years to come. Hopefully this first week is only the first of many. Should be as long as I stick to the rules I have learned from you guys and the teachings in class. I hope you both have wonderful weekend and see you on Monday. Forever Grateful…”

“Great stock course. I have paid for many courses for much more money and did not get the value that you presented today. The content was very informative, concise and enlightening. Thanks for your dedication and hard work.“

“Hey guys,
I was really impressed with the course. It seemed to hit all traders at some point, whether it is pitfalls of trading, setups, etc. I appreciate you offering this and I am looking forward to applying/reapplying a lot of this. I would definitely recommend this course to someone who is looking to trade full time. ”

“Dear Mike and Wayne,
Thank you for this course, one of the best things I have done on a Saturday morning, ever. Your focus, discipline, passion and generosity are remarkable, not just during the course, but also in the chatroom on a daily basis. I will spare you the details about myself, but I feel GSP is going to change my whole life. I am looking forward to learning and becoming a contributing member to the chatroom. Thank you again.”

“What an awesome class guys! Huge help, and learned a lot….. I learn something everyday from you guys!”.

“I have attended several trading webinars over the last couple of years. Today was just over the top!”

“I really appreciate the passion that you both have for trading and your willingness to teach…this course so far has given hope to a dream that has been slowly bleeding away in a sea of red.”

I have been learning to trade your system only a few weeks. The low float stocks are a new phenomenon to me, but I feel like the fog has been blown away from before my eyes. Anyway, this course may turn out to be the steal of my life!”
“Unsolicited here, but the course is well worth the cost. Will save you a lot. The tuition (of learning to Day Trade) can be tremendous. The course is a great shortcut.”

“Feel like I’m getting better all the time. Just wanted to say thanks again for the course, tracker and advice. Have a great weekend!”

“This class has been the best trading class that I’ve watched and I’ve taken about 5-6 trainings over the past 3 years.”

“I just wanted you both to know that it is so far, a terrific class and I’m learning more from this class than I have from any of the others that I’ve taken. I appreciate all of your efforts in the making of this class and during the day in chat…you are both helping me immensely!” 

“Mike and Wayne,
It has been a little over 2 months since I took your first class. You two have changed my life forever, for that I could never thank you enough.

Thank you for being such a great cautious example, when I first joined I told you from all the books such as market wizards and such I have read, your style was perfect to teach new day traders like me. The more I have learned the more I see why. Thank you for all you have taught me and all your 11:30 rants, I enjoy them and learn much from them about the right mindset for a trader. 

Thank you, for all the time you have spent with me answering emails, going over my tracker and sending me feedback on my good and bad weeks, I am very grateful for every single minute. I am also aware it might seem like I do not always listen but I do. Thank you for all the time you have both taken out of your lives to change my life and make me a better trader.
P.S Your new tracker feedback rocks! and blog too!”


Our only goal for this course is to turn struggling traders into consistently profitable traders.

Here is just some of what you will learn in our course:

  All of our A+ technical (chart based) setups and why we ONLY focus on these.

  How to find the right stocks to focus on.

  How to wait for the proper setup before taking the trade.

  How to pay yourself along the way and protect those profits.

  How to setup your screens and your trading platform to give you the best chance to capitalize on your new trading knowledge.

  The proper mindset and how to fix bad habits and execute trades properly.

  All of our personal trading rules that keep us out of trouble and consistently profitable.

  A step by step guide of our morning routines.

When the course is over, you will be able to identify the trading opportunities with the largest profit potential and trade them on your own! The following are all included in the course:

  Access to the recordings of the classes. You can watch over and over again on your own timetable at your own pace.

  Access to your own personal Trade Tracker that will allow you to look very closely at all your trades AND get candid feedback from us on your trades AFTER the course.

  If you buy the live trading chat room membership with the course, your membership will start right away. Our chat room is the perfect complement to the course material. You will become part of a team looking for and trading the setups we teach every day!

  Trade setup handouts for your trading desk so you can refer to them BEFORE taking a trade to help you decide if a trade set up is meeting all the parameters we teach.

  Live monthly Q and A sessions. Follow up is VERY important to us. We are not successful unless you are!

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