• Daily live audio feed of professional traders sharing real-time trade ideas.
  • Daily Q and A session during the lunchtime slowdown where we review the morning trades.
  • Daily list of gap plays that we preview before the opening bell.
  • You’ll be in a chat room full of our trading course students who selflessly post setups they’ve been taught as they are setting up. 
  • Trading with a group of experienced traders makes our chat room one of the best real-time scanners you’ll ever use! 
  • Our members view themselves as part of a trading team which means you’ll witness the best teamwork of any chat room on the planet.  
  • Please understand that since we are teaching proprietary material that we have developed over several years, we cannot offer refunds. 


Over the 20 years we have been running a day trading chat room, the average price for a lifetime membership has been $499. For this 20 year celebration we have lowered it to $197 at checkout. The number one question we always get is ‘If you’re such a great trader, then why not make the room free’? As the video below shows, we are all about teamwork. Everyone in our room shows up to trade and they don’t want to deal with random low float pumps, or ‘I’m a better trader than you’, ego crap. In free rooms you will spend a lot of time sifting through nonsense to hopefully find a trade idea. And even then, often times it’s something like ‘I just bought XYZ’ from the moderator. You won’t find that in our chat room as it’s not allowed. All trade ideas must be posted before they trigger. Many of our members have taken our course, so you’ll be witnessing posts of setups that make sense (inflection points with stacked catalysts on the chart). Check out the video for some examples…..



Just one payment: trade with us for life!

$ 197 .00 

Your Success is our Success!

We have a question and answer session every single day during the lunch time slow period. We review the morning trades and answer any questions you might have. After all, it's your testimonials that help us to continue growing.

Chat Room Feedback From Members

The lifetime membership was the best investment I ever made. I trade only for 2 days Monday and Tuesday between 9 and 11. I have been constantly green for the last ninety days!!! ….. Thank you! – 

You and Wayne are doing such a great job.  I know there is not another room out there that even comes close to the honesty and integrity the two of you bring.  When you first made Wayne a moderator, the first thing I did was send him a PM to congratulate him and tell him it was long overdue.  What a find in that man.  And what a find in you too.

I want to continue to support this great room (its like family), so I have decided to sign up for the recording and class.  I want to do my part in keeping this great thing going.  Besides, I know I could pick up many tips that would way more than cover the cost.  And I’ll let you in on a little secret…I already made more than enough today in HMNY and VERI to cover the cost, so I want to invest that back in the future of this room, and myself.
I will be signing up today.
Thank you guys for all you do! Daniel

Mike, this is for sure the cleanest most professional room I have ever been in, free of hidden agendas. I’m a newbee relative to this room but not to trading and in the short time I’ve been in here, it’s the most consistent base hits I’ve had daily. great job!!! As soon as a swing options trade on BABA pays out for me, I’l be buying the course, hopefully it happens while the offer is still available, but if it’s not I’m still going to buy it. great job/room guys!! Bill

12:36:36 {JAS} GSP and Wayne have the best minds and hearts in trading, anywhere!

After watching Warrior Trading’s trading recap video from today, I just want to thank both of you for all the time and effort you put into teaching your A+ setups!!! I’m so lucky that this was the first chat room I stumbled across when I first started trading.

Thanks guys! You rock!


11:59:04 {JamesCa} My 5th chat room – first time im learning…took 6 months to find you guys.

10:21:23 {VMS} Amazing room made my goal and some have a great rest of day

10:35:02 {MattBi} between lifetime and trading course, I’ve made way more money and learned more than I ever did in college!

First off, let me just say how much I like, admire and respect you and Mike (GSP).  You guys tell it like it is and genuinely care about the members and want them to learn and succeed.   Like many others, I have been to a few different chat rooms before I stumbled on Greatstockpix, and the other chat rooms are…….terrible.

16:15:44 {jimham} I have been with Mike for about nine years. I rarely post anything in here. That’s because I am still learning. I flew helicopters in the Marine Corps. I am retired now. Mike is
honestly the most straight up man I have ever known. It has been that way since I became a member about 10 years ago.
16:16:14 {DanielSh} agree Jim, and thanks for your service

13:41:38 {EricN} I graduated with an Accounting/Finance double major, worked as a Financial Analyst, read 20+ personal finance/trading books in my free time, and all I can say is I’ve learned more from this chatroom, the course GSP/Wayne teach, and their webinars. Joining the chatroom absolutely paying its dividends.

11:55:50 {JackS} Thank You ! 2 all for the great cooperation on ideas …this is the BEST room I have experienced.

Hi Mike and Wayne, Hope all is well. As you know I have been swing/position trading since 2001. I discovered day trading by coming across Mike’s videos on youtube. Since I joined your Service I have been consistently profitable!I owe everything to both of you who perfected my day trading. 65 GREEN DAYS and only 4 RED DAYS (since FEB 6th). I greatly appreciate your guidance and calls. Kind and best regards always, J

Milica: 11:05 AM My 2nd $1000+ day. Thanks to what i learned from the class and being here!!!!!!!

Dear Mike….i keep thanking you & Wayne for changing my trading 180%….I’m seeing the trades as they develop …so far green for the week…hopefully it will be 5 straight weeks in the green…i have a good friend that also joined the room coming from the warrior room & he is so happy with your room because your calls have parameters as opposed to just jumping in…just wanted to thank you & Wayne for the tremendous support & teachings. – N

This is exactly the style of trading I want to do and the vibe and the humor and the skill level here is what I’ve been looking for for years (after spending a lot of money and hanging out in half a dozen rooms). – C

11:20:56 {JamesBr} Thanks Mike. What a great trading chat room. ***Only place that gives guidance and *Reviews* over trades each and every day. ALSO, let’s not forget the undying effort Mike puts out every night on youtube with his potential setups. This room is the only stock scanner you need. The trade management advice is “priceless”. Been trading since 2001 and this is the best place around. Thank you MIKE (and Wayne) and all the rest…… Blessed

I wanted to tell you also that i have been profitable for the last 4 weeks watching the course every weekend …ty for you all you do for us struggling traders!

15:52:16 {Benard} I have been I a bunch of chatrooms but this is a top notch — am upgrading on monday

Mike, I have learned more in last few months than I have in any book and I’m ashamed I let these guys lose my money for years. Another $1300 day….Thanks!

No question from me today, but a compliment instead… there are more than enough good calls made everyday in the room. Joining was the best trading choice I’ve made to date.Thanks!!

Mike,I won’t keep sending emails, but want you to know that I just had my first multiple four figure day and it is completely due to being in the chat room.

First I would like to say Thank You for the 100th time to both of you. I do not mind saying it over and over because if someone changes your life there are no words to properly thank them!

Hello Mike, I wanted to write to thank you and Wayne for the positive impact you have had on my son’s life. I am so pleased that I stumbled onto your website and chat room when I did. Franc

Thank you! Best money I have spent on trading, started out back in Nov 16   I haven’t made much since starting out. Bought programs from all the gurus, Sykes, Nate, Grittani. Learned a little bit but nothing as important as what I’ve learned from you and Wayne in the last 2 weeks. Nick

13:44:27 {:StevenH} Just want to say that this is only my 2nd full day in this room and it’s great. 2nd to none In MY opinion…. I’ve played 7 trades from this room so far without a losing trade.

I was a member in that Warrior trading chat room 2 months ago before I switched to yours.  He is doing a $5 for 5 days trial.   His set ups are usually risky and he usually sells 2-4 mins into a surge while his 2000 students try to exit but not as fast because they are new and get smoked. That chat room is terrible for a new trader!  Having traders  buy in after halts & jumping in trades right at the bell trying to scalp momentum is really starting off newbie’s with bad habits. I can go on and on! Thanks for the team work & style your room has with a steady profit approach, compared to the high risk/high reward roller coaster trading they do. Ralph

Mike; I (We) appreciate your honesty & teaching & hope you have a great vacation. Very happy today up about 5000.00. EricG

Dear Mike & Wayne, I like that you teach people to be the “smart money” — buying on the way up and SELLING on the way up.  Then I can watch the “dumb money” chasing the stock, buying in at the top, and riding it down while complaining bitterly the whole time on StockTwits. It’s nice not to be the “dumb money.”  Thx! – Amy W.

Just upgraded to a lifetime membership. Love how the chat is run. Very informative! I’m already improving as a trader, thanks to you guys. Looking forward to the future with GSP. Marcos

14:30:55 {RickyV<EN>} This chat room and the class are the best investment I ever made. Getting way more for my money than I feel I should. I almost feel guilty like I ripped someone off.

Since I have been a chat room member and taken the course my trading has turned around tremendously. I have been able to take what I already knew and combine it with what you taught me and that lets me have an edge 🙂  I am learning to be consistently profitable.  Thanks for everything you do. Oh and the tracker is awesome. MichaelC

Wanted to give a quick note that my trading has kept on improving thanks to your example, teachings and Wayne. Once more thank you Mike for changing my life for the better.

Mike I want to thank you for LBIX..doubled my daily goal…I’m so grateful that I found you & Wayne…been trading with you about 10 months now…I’m actually profitable for the 1st time in my young trading career all because of your trading method. – N

Hello, just wanted to send you a quick email and let you know how much I have not only enjoyed but also have learned in the few short weeks I have been on you site. I generally trade 1-2 days a week because my real job gets in the way, but i have been able to log 9 days now in your room. Of those days i’ve only had 1 red day & that was due to a risky trade i made on my own. Ive traded for years, always a bit nervous going into a position, but watching your videos & listening to your nightly you tube videos daily input in the room I now dont have that “gambling” feeling when I go into a position. Just wanted to give you a sincere “Thank you” for you site, best money I have ever invested. I love to trade & appreciate the time & teaching that you do. So again, Thank you! KennyA

Hi Mike, After the first few days in your chat room I would like to pay the difference and upgrade to a lifetime membership. You have a great thing going here and I would like to be a part of it as I feel I can learn a lot from you guys. I have been trading for over two years and I am impressed at the amount of usable information you guys put together so fast. Please send me a Pay Pal bill for the difference and I will get it back to you. Have a great weekend and I look forward to trading with you guys next week. Steve S

Mike, I have been trading with you guys nearly every morning for the past couple of months and I have to tell you that honestly GSP is amazing! I trade as soon as the market opens from my office and usually by the time my boss gets in a couple hours later I have reached my daily goal. I have not had a “losing” day yet, only days (very few) that I haven’t reached my goal. I have traded for years and having all of the extra eyes looking for the great setups is like being able to have 50 monitors instead of my one. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate what you and all if the members do and thank you! Sent from my iPhone

After just one month I am so impressed with your service that I felt compelled to write this testimonial for anyone considering the service. GSP is the real deal, everything I could want in a trading guide and more! GSP goes above and beyond, exceeding expectations with continuously proven results, complete ethical integrity and a genuine caring for the members that makes me feel like part of a family. One trade more than paid my lifetime membership. What an investment! My gratitude, as well as my balance, grows daily. Great job GSP, you deserve an award. Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you! Sincerely, Ronnie

I signed up for a lifetime membership, but more importantly wanted to thank you very much for the past couple months. You are man of “great” ethics and honor, and a true delight to trade with. Refreshing to say the least. I have found a “trading” home and cancelled my other membership with a site that spends most of the day trying to be “big” egos on who is right and who is wrong in whether it is a bear market or a bull market, a bottom or no bottom, a Christmas rally coming etc and very rarely have plays —-
I love trading because it is not having to deal with others egos on a daily basis, and you truly have no ego and it is so refreshing to see and hear your honesty and great humbleness every day. I use to practice law back on the east coast and left said profession because of the crazy egos and 2000 plus billable hours wanted every year, and despite great annual income earned it was not worth it to me and I passsed it up to go pursue my true passion in the entertainment business and came west to work at Disney/Touchstone pictures and now out on my own and still young and doing what I want in life aside from trading the market. Thanks again for being so honest and refreshing and offering a GREAT service second to none in my opinion, and I have shopped around the past year looking for a trading home and now have found one and will recommend your service to many I know. Thanks again for everything! Mark

After spending just a week with you and Great Stock Pix, I knew this service was for me. Yours is the first service I have found (and I have $1000’s of charges to prove I have looked hard!) that explains stock trading in an easy-to-understand manner with great results. Even I can get this stuff. I have searched far and wide for a service that educates me to trade, and doesn’t just throw out stock picks or gives directions — all the while keeping me in the dark about what is really going on. This may sound a little convoluted, but you seem to teach your “students” how to learn to trade without you — and that’s actually the reason why I never would. You are very good at what you do, and no matter how well you train me, I want to keep following you and learn more. So after a week, I signed up for a lifetime. I look to many happy returns.

Attached I have my p&l for Friday. I’m a lifetime member of your chat room and I wanted to reach out to you this Friday evening for another very successful week. I can’t say thank you enough in your room as that would cause clutter so please accept my sincerest thank you for all the great work you and Wayne do. Also for the team work that your members have in the room. Total for the week I made over $2,900. Again thank you. Have a great weekend.


Thank You ! Mike had a great morning….$412….with VTVT & PTIE….you & Wayne are great mentors…Thank You ! – N

11:58:12 9/27/2018 (Private): With the guidance from you and Wayne, I have been green on 101 of the last 126 days.  Very happy with that!  Thank you!

Mike, I just want to thank you for the great room you host!  I am new to trading and have spent too much money listening to others and on other rooms.  I got a year membership to Fous’s room right before I listened to you and Wayne teach; that was a waste of money, I haven’t been in it since I joined you guys.  I was also a member of two other rooms, and I just really love yours!  I don’t and won’t comment in the room until I have something to offer, but I am here and I love it. 

Thanks again! – R

Hey Mike, I just wanted to say a big thank you. I finished up my third full time month in here and the idea flow, plus learning opportunities are fantastic. This room provides a LOT of value compared to many others (and I’ve been in a lot of them). Have a great weekend! – N

Yes I signed up with the lifetime membership This is my first week in GSP chat. Up $2151 for the week!

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